Wing Shooters Hunt Club and Kennels

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Where To Range
December 14th, 2011 at 9:23 am   starstarstarstarstar      

Question: I have a two-year-old German Short-haired Pointer. My friends make fun of me while we are out hunting because I keep her so close. At what range should a hunter allow his dog to work?

Mark G., Howell.

Answer: That question is best answered by the handler. It's your dog, make it hunt how you want. Most pointing dog people allow their dog considerable range compared to a flushing dog. I know I do. I want the dog to do the work. Let it cover all that ground instead of me walking every square yard of it. The key here is to have your dog trained well enough to range out. If the dog holds point, I don't mind him ranging out as long as I can see him most of the time.


Charlie Linblade

Mighigan Wing Shooters Hunt Club

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